Hi all users as we all know that 90% of facebook timeline users regret
to have this. And this will open the door for hacker for exploiting
them, means they claim to remove your timeline in few minutes but
actually they are exploiting you in some extent like spamming, infecting
and stealing your credentials and force you to install some app or
like their pages and at last they will give you excuse saying that "I'm
not responsible for that", "I have tried my level best but..." or "this
is impossible to do". But now it's over today we are here to tell you a
easiest, simplest and most secure way to get rid of your facebook
timeline without any spamming or losing your money.
Follw the steps below :
1. First of all start your favorite browser which you love the most. e.g. - Firefox
2. Go to www.timelineremove.com.
3. Scroll down until you see something like this :

4. Select the browser you're using now (It will automatically select your browser and start blinking).
5. Click on browser's logo to install the required extension for it.
6. Now it will open a new tab and ask you to like their page (optional).
7. Congratulation !!! now your facebook timeline is removed.
Note :- It won't actually remove your timeline but rather it'll make you feel like you don't have timeline.
Note :- It won't actually remove your timeline but rather it'll make you feel like you don't have timeline.