JDownloader Premium Datebase 25-06-12
JDownloader Premium Datebase 25-06-12
Proof :
                          Click on image to enlarge

If U don't Have Jdownloader2.. Installed.. Then use Jdownloader2

How To Use This Premium database ?

Copy This file " org.jdownloader.settings.AccountSettings.accounts.ejs " To your Installed jdownloader2 Directory In A Folder named " cfg " and replace the file.
Download Premium DB here


DeadLine's Virus Maker 1.1
Hi all users, This is a cool virus maker we're posting here, it is not created by us. This original author DeadLine we've mentioned his name at the end of this post. This is what it's author have to say about it. 

I decided to make a custom virus maker because I don’t trust all the other virus makers that are out there on the net. I think it took me about 4 hours to code this. If you are wondering why it took me that long: it is because I used a new theme and new components, and I’m still learning how to use them properly.

Download Mediafire

Free Adf.ly Bot 2012 Latest

Adf.ly Bot 2012 (100% Working)

Hi all users, now a days we are having very hectic schedule due to working on pen-testing and hacking vulnerable sites of some bloody spammers/leechers out there, ok let it be, the year 2012 is really comes with new challenge and opportunity, we are striving on give our best and serve yourselves as good as we can, we are getting the spate of your lovely responses via e-mail and comment and feel very gratitude for your appreciation and support.

Lets come to the topic we have posted a adf.ly bot before this, but many user reported us that this isn't working now and asked us for updating that, and we have promised we will come with a working one so this is the new working adf.ly bot that comes with a current working proxy list ready to go, you can add or remove proxys as you like, there is no limit on how many proxys you can add, this supports custom referrers so adf.ly thinks the links have been clicked on youtube or your blog or anywhere you want it to show.
There is no limit on number of referrers you want the bot to pick from, and offcourse this version of adf.ly bot is copletely malware free unlike a couple other adfly bots I have tried.

Download  here

New Elite bot Proxies

Credit : Xo03


Get Millions Of Hits Within Hours On Your Adf.ly Links
How To Get Millions of Hits Within Hours on Your Adf.ly Links

Hi all users, in our previous post "adf.ly bot 2012" we have provide a bot that automatically clicks on your links  and by reading it's review we have found that many user wants  to increase their adf.ly link's views so we have decided to make a tutorial on how to amazingly increase your adf.ly link's view and we are sure that this will very helpful for you. So lets get started :
 What is adf.ly?

It is a website where you get paid every time someone clicks on a link of yours. Depending on where you get your traffic from, you will get paid about $2 for 1000 clicks.

I know what you’re thinking. That’s horrible right? $0.002 for a single click? But that’s actually pretty decent compared to the other sites that get you about $0.30 per 1000. It is much better than Linkbucks, Linkbee, or any other competition.

Firs of all If you haven’t already signed up, go to :
And signup an account.
To get a huge amount of clicks on adf.ly is pretty simple. Just go viral! I’ll give you an example. Sometime around June, there was a video going around on news websites of “K-Strass the Yo-Yo master”. It had quite a significant amount of mention on the news. So I thought, why not upload this video to YouTube and get some hits. Unluckily, I was late and the video had already been uploaded by someone else.

His video was up for 3 days, and had already gotten over 67 000 000 views!!! If only 20% the people visited an adf.ly link, that would still be $40 000 in 3 days. However, the person who uploaded the video did not seem to monetize the video at all, making no money...

Now that guy was stupid. YOU can be different and make the $200 000 he never did. Here’s how
Get prepared. What you need is a program to download videos off websites such as “Download Helper”. You should also get a Free Screen Recorder, such as :

Also, register accounts on YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon and i-am-bored.
 STEP 2:
Start lurking around on US Breaking news websites, such as www.CNN.com, www.foxnews.com and www.cbsnews.com . You have to be very patient and wait around, until you find a good video with viral potential.

Examples of videos that are guaranteed to go viral- Ghost Videos (Michael Jackson’s ghost) Live TV stuff-ups (People swearing live on air, Celebrities hitting paparazzi, “Wardrobe malfunctions” ).

So just wait around until a video like this pops up on one of the news websites. It may take a while to find a good lead, you may have to wait several days. Bookmark the “Breaking News” sites and check back occasionally.

Just wait..........................................................
And wait....................................................
Got your video? Now it is time to act FAST. Try downloading the video using “Download Helper”. If it doesn’t work, what you have to do is record the video with your screen recorder. (Make sure the volume is right if you are recording).

Now upload the video onto YouTube. Make sure you have a good title, description and tags.


Submit your video to Digg, StumbleUpon and i-am-bored.


Take a break. You don’t need to do anything for the next few hours.

Now, check back on your video. If everything is working well as planned, you should have a few thousand views. If not, try and submit to more websites similar to www.i-am-bored.com .

Wait a few more hours.


You should be getting thousands and thousands of hits by now. Links to your video should already be posted on Digg, StumbleUpon, and www.i-am-bored.com . You should be getting a steady flow of a few hundred views a minute now. So now it is time to monetize your video.

Find out what it is you want to link to. For example, a news story, Facebook group or anything related to your video. For this example, I will just choose a news article. 

STEP 10 

Update :

Create an adf.ly link and mask it with goo.gl . Masking the URL is VERY important.

STEP 11 

Now, create an annotation all through the video. To do this, click on “Edit Video” and click “annotations”. Place the annotation at the bottom of the video.

An example of an annotation would be -

Is Michael Jackson really dead? See the shocking new proof at the link in the description!!!!

Sadly, a lot of people don’t seem to click the links in the description. If only 50% of video viewers click the link, you should still be happy! 


As with all viral videos, your one will only be popular for a few days. When all the hype dies down, and you are not getting enough money from adf.ly , it is time to monetize it with and CPALead. So sign up at www.cpalead.com .
What are these sites? With LoudMo and CPALead, you get paid around $1 every time someone accesses your site. But before they can access they have to install a small program and complete a short, free to take survey.
A lot of people won’t be able to access your site but you will still get some diehard fans wanting to access whatever you link to.
So, go to www.blogger.com and make a site. Put your content on the page and put a CPALead gateway on. 

That’s All! Remember, no one got rich reading guides! Don’t be lazy and follow my instructions! 


Remove Facebook Ads
Hi all users, as title describes the story that today we're going to learn how to remove sponsor ads or ads from your facbook profile. As you know that facebook is most a popular social networking website out there, but unfortunately their main concern is money, so as long as they’re making money they’re fine with their ads, for the most part. Obviously if you accept advertisements from everyone and anyone you’ll get spammy ads from time to time, it’s impossible for Facebook to police every advertisement, no matter how many resources they have. To find out how to remove ads from Facebook, let's get started.

Follow The Steps Below to Remove Your Facebook Ads :
 1. First of all you will need to be using either Firefox or Google Chrome as your web browser. Both are the worlds quickest and best browsers, you should be using one of them if you aren’t already. Here we consider both of them.

2. To remove ads from Facebook, the first thing you should do is install Adblock Plus. Here we want to mention that when you download Chrome that it comes with an extension called Adblock, make sure you download Adblock Plus for Chrome, they’re completely different. If you’re using Firefox, download Adblock Plus for Firefox.

How To Remove Ads From Facebook And Other Sites

That’s it, that is  how to remove ads from Facebook. Adblcok Plus for Firefox and Chrome is already set up to block ads from Facebook, so we needn’t do anything else. If you’re serious about removing ads from every site though, you can check out NoScript as well. When someone who places ads on their sites wants to stop ad-blockers from preventing ads being displayed, they try to hide the ads in a script. You can block these as well by using NoScript for Chrome, or NoScript for Firefox. Adblock Plus and NoScript work hand in hand a blocking anything from Java Script to Flash.

If you do eventually see ads on Facebook, then you may need to update the filters. To do so, simply go to Tools, then Adblock Plus Preferences, click Filters, then click Update All Subscriptions, then click Apply then OK.